The 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) was the first for Special Forces Coins, established by COL Vernon E. Greene, 10th SFGA Commander in 1969. The original having a Trojan Horse on the front was used as a fund raiser to help purchase a German Wood Carved Special Forces Trooper that was in it's glass home with special temp and humidity controls. A story has circulated that during the late 1940s, the Lodge Act allowing non-U.S. citizens to join the Army, of which many joined the 10th Special Forces Group. With so many nationalities — and varying proficiency in English in the 10th Special Forces Group, a coin was produced as a way to establish bona fides, “to identify guys in the unit without a whole lot of wrangling” troopers would show their coins to prove they were with the 10th.
A 'Coin Check' consists of a Challenge and a Response.
A. The challenge is initiated by drawing your coin, holding it in the air by whatever means possible and state, scream, shout or otherwise verbally acknowledge that you are initiating a coin check. Another, but less vocal method is to firmly place it on the bar, table, or floor (this should produce an audible noise which can be easily heard by those being challenged, but try not to leave a permanent imprint). If you accidentally drop your coin and it makes an audible sound upon impact, then you have just "accidentally" initiated a coin check. (This is called paying the price for improper care of your coin.)
B. The response consists of all those persons being challenged drawing their coin in a like manner (other organizational coins are invalid). You must produce a coin with a Special Forces LOGO on it.
C. If you are challenged and are unable to properly respond, you must buy a round of drinks for the challenger and the group being challenged.
D. If everyone being challenged responds in the correct manner, the challenger must buy a round of drinks for all those people they challenged.
E. Failure to buy a round is a despicable crime and will require that you turn-in your Coin to the issuing agency.
A. Coin checks are permitted, ANY TIME, ANY PLACE.
A. There are no exceptions to the rules. They apply to those clothed or unclothed. At the time of the challenge you are permitted one step and an arms reach to locate your coin. If you still cannot reach it -- SORRY ABOUT THAT!
A. Coins attached on belt buckles are considered "belt buckles".
B. Coins on key chains are considered "key chains."
C. Coins placed in a "holder/clasp" and worn around the neck like a necklace are valid and are considered a coin.
ADVICE: Never, ever be caught without your Special Forces Coin.
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