Tuesday, July 28, 2020

America Under Attack

Most of us wake up to, or go to sleep with images of violent rioters destroying property and attacking Federal Officers and local police officers in several different big American cities. Make no mistake about it. These violence protestors are demonstrating, in both word and action, their intent to radically change this country.  To destroy this Constitutional Republic and replace it with a Socialist-Marxist country.

The key nefarious actors are the Marxist groups  Antifa and Black Lives Matter, although they have allies in the local, state and Federal politicians inflaming the violence through an over the top rhetoric and outright lies against Capitalism, Law Enforcement, the Trump Administration or anything else American in nature.

Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-CA) stated that the violence attributed to these protests are a myth.  Nadler says that even after nightly video every night for the past 60 nights show the criminals attacking Federal Law Enforcement Officers with bricks and rocks, sticks with nails, frozen water bottle, hammers, commercial fireworks, Molotov cocktails (fire bombs) and even barricading doors with Federal Officers inside while the criminals through fire bombs through the windows.  Nowhere is this more poignant than Portland, but this is also occurring in other U.S. Cities. 

Rather than come together during the COVID Pandemic, these anti-American, Socialist-Marxist scumbags and their political allies exploit the casualties and fears caused by the Chinese Coronavirus. Shame on them.

Some of the violent extremists and their organizations are calling for a civil war. Really! A Civil War! So in response many Special Forces Brothers are posting this message on social media: "To everyone instigating a possible civil war from all sides, let me give you a little bit of advice. Many of us served and fought in wars. When our time was done, we came back to the USA to start over and live in peace. It wasn’t us who kneeled on the neck of a man until he died. It wasn’t us who retaliated by kneeling on the neck of a toddler saying “BLM NOW mf.”

"You see, War is hell. Millions of you do not quite grasp this concept. We have been to hell, lived in hell, climbed out of hell, and don’t want to go back to hell. If you keep trampling on the peace we fought for, earned and love, then when that first shot gets fired, you will force us back to hell; and we will show you the brutal realities of hell. Y’all better work this shit out before we do, because I guarantee you are not ready for this."

Recently the Seattle Police Chief, Carmen Best, sent a letter to the citizens and business people in Seattle stating that the Seattle Police Department could no longer protect property from violent protestors as the City Council has mandated no use of less lethal equipment.   

As many other city leaders hamstring police officers in dealing with growing violence through de-funding and bans on using certain arrest techniques or less lethal equipment, Federal Agencies have stepped up and deployed to locations to protect Federal property such as courthouses. Thank God we have these men and women standing in the breech. Called Gestapo or Jack Booted Thugs by U.S. Congressional Representatives, they still put their lives on the line each day, all day saying "you'll have to go through me to destroy this Federal building!"

Nothing represents the Federal response better than the U.S. Border Patrol who would rather be protecting the borders from drug smugglers, human traffickers, and people bent on entering this country to do harm to our nation and it's people. But when called they respond. Watch the video message below from the Chief Patrol Agent of the Border Patrol Rodney Scott.

All of where these violent protests are erupting and the local administrations that are hamstringing police are Democrat controlled, from the Mayor through the City Council.  And in many cases, the State Governor also. Most of these cities have been controlled by the Democratic party for multiple generations. Some of these Mayors even say that Federal Officers cannot come to their city to protect Federal property. So these politicians, who hate President Trump more than they love their communities and citizens, are stupid and ignorant of Federal Law.  These Anti-Trump, liberal, socialist local political administrations tell their Police to stand down as these violent protestors assemble on city property then move to destroy Federal property and attack Federal Officers. 

Their goal is the place the violence on President Trump and influence the election this coming November,  Indeed, tonight it's 99 days away. There has never been a clearer choice in any election,......Anarchy or Law & Order.  Take your pick. Vote carefully.

Note:  This has been an editorial by a Chapter IX member who is not in a leadership position. This viewpoint is not necessarily the view of the Chapter IX Board of Directors, nor has been approved by them.

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