Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Chaplain's Corner - February 2016

  Seems like every day has its own world shattering calamities. Mass murders of every imaginable type are taking place in many places at an increasing rate. What is the cause for this sudden breakdown of moral authority in human relations? Look at how much and how fast God has been removed from our American character and American way of life. We seem to have lost our moral center that kept us in agreement with each other. I don’t know about you, but as I look at the world events and what has happened to our USA, I want to cry or get angry. I feel helpless to change the direction of events. which could make life better and more peaceful.

  Then I remember God is still in control, and His ways are beyond our comprehension. I remember God loves us and wants to have a relationship with us as we live on earth. Sadly, living in the total freedom God gave us, we disobeyed God’s laws. I remember He punished us by severing our relationship with Him. I remember that He restored our relationship by sending His Son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross as a living blood sacrifice that would pay the penalty for all of the sins of all people for all times. I remember God raised Jesus from the dead as a sign of accepting the sacrifice of Jesus’ body on the Cross. I remember that God removed the curse of death, giving people the gift of eternal life with God. I remember that this gift of eternal life is given to people who have accepted Jesus Christ as their risen Savior and Lord. And lastly, I remember by faith that this world is not my home, I am just passing through. My eternal home is with God in heaven beyond the blue. After remembering all of this I am at peace, because I can endure and persevere in all situations through Jesus Christ who gives me strength.

May God richly Bless you this Easter with the Gifts of Faith and Eternal Life….Chaplain John

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