Saturday, December 6, 2014

British SAS in Iraq, Killing ISIS daily

Although it has been reported that any boots-on-the-ground in the fight against Islamic State extremists are there only for training purposes, that’s not entirely true. For longer range engagements, the highly skilled SAS have been using sniper rifles to ambush their targets at night. In just one month, these tactics have resulted in a body count of over 200 ISIS fighters.

Over the last month, the British SAS has been rolling through on their quad bikes and ambushing ISIS terrorists. According to the Daily Mail: “The missions have taken place on a near daily basis in the past four weeks and the SAS soldiers have expended so much ammunition that regimental quartermasters have been forced to order a full replenishment of stocks of machine-gun rounds and sniper bullets. An SAS source said: ‘Our tactics are putting the fear of God into IS as they don’t know where we’re going to strike next and there’s frankly nothing they can do to stop us.'”

IJReview talked to former Delta Force Operator Dale Comstock about what the SAS involvement means for the fight against ISIS. Comstock said: “The SAS is very similar to our special forces. They have all the experts on a team. When I was in Afghanistan we would take guys who couldn’t even write their name and teach them to shoot, use explosives and turn them into soldiers. I would imagine the SAS is going to find the same kind of guys and create their own small army. I would argue that there are probably other special forces training the natives fighting ISIS. And it’s a possibility that if they are over there, they may be engaged in direct action with the enemy. ISIS is full of untrained thugs. They may have their weapons and know to use them. But ultimately ISIS isn’t a unit of soldiers. They don’t have any foundation to become soldiers."

"We have the best specials forces out there.  We go into villages, build schools, provide medical services and aid. We win hearts and minds. And that’s what separates us from barbarians like ISIS.”

The SAS continues to eliminate up to 8 ISIS terrorists per day. That’s got a lot of people pumped up, Twitter post states "SAS staging Quad Bike Death Squads against ISIS with reports of up to 8 kills a day at minimum. Imagine how cool that would be?" No need to imagine. It’s already happening.

Article from IJReview.

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