The Special Forces Soldier As Seen By:
(HIMSELF) A tall, handsome, non-mess association joining, highly trained, professional killer, female idol, sapphire ring wearing, demo knife wearing gentleman who is always on time due to the reliability of his Rolex watch.
(HIS WIFE) A stinking member of the family who comes through Fort Bragg once a year with a rucksack full of dirty clothes and a hard-on, wearing a star sapphire ring, a Rolex watch and a demo knife.
(HIS COMMANDER) A fine specimen of a drunken, brawling, jeep stealing, woman corrupting, mess association joining, liar with a star sapphire ring, Rolex watch and a demo knife.
(HIGHER HQs) A drunken, brawling, jeep stealing, woman corrupting, mess association joining, liar with a star sapphire ring, Rolex watch and a demo knife.
(Headquarters Department of the Army ) An overpaid, over trained, tax burden, that is indispensable because he has volunteered to go anywhere, do anything, as long as
he can booze it up, brawl, steal jeeps, corrupt women, not join mess associations, lie, wear a star sapphire ring, a Rolex watch, and carry a demo knife.
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