Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Patriot Guard Movie

Filmaker Ellen Frick is in the process of making a documentary called Patriot Guard The Movie, taking viewers on a solemn journey with the Patriot Guard as they honor our brave servicemembers killed in action. The Patriot Guard provides honor escorts, on motorcycles, to funerals. As the web site "www.patriotguardthemovie.com" explains: "Patriot Riders investigates the popularity of this movement: who it attracts, how it interacts with the military, and how the families feel being supported by such a non-traditional alliance of patriots. The film underscores a tragic truth: Soldiers are dying and their families are suffering. At the same time, it reveals an unlikely but powerful bond between the riders and the grieving families. Their poignant and heart-felt stories chronicle the emergence of a new kind of patriotism in America."